Whether you are an expert travel hacker, or are entirely new to the game, this travel hacking Twitter Chat is for you.
It is an opportunity for you to share tips derived from your own valuable experience, but also pick up other valuable tips from savvy travel hackers.
Now, in case you are wondering exactly what travel hacking is, and thinking we might be encouraging you to do something illegal, please rest assured, that unlike computer hacking, this is absolutely not illegal.

The art of travel hacking is simply using all available methods, to build up a sufficient balance of airline or hotel points, to redeem for upgrades or free hotel rooms, and maybe even flights.
Contrary to what most people believe, this is not an art reserved for the super wealthy, those on six figure salaries or frequent flyers. Anyone at all can become a travel hacker with just a little organisation, patience and possibly some changes in spending habits.
Join us for the Twitter Chat, share your tips, or simply learn from others.
Travel Hacking Twitter Chat Details
Date: Monday September 7th
Time: 5.30PM UK, 12.30 Eastern, 10PM IST
Duration: 60 Minutes
Hashtag to use: #MeAndMySuitcase
Please find the questions below which we will be covering during the session.
Q1. What is ‘travel hacking’?
Q2. What’s your best tip for redeeming airline or hotel rewards?
Q3. Best airline/hotel chain for frequent flyer redemption?
Q4. One tip for Indian travellers to use travel hacking & cheap traveling abroad?
Q5. What’s that one thing about travel hack which fascinates you the most?
Q6. Share your favourite travel hacking experience!

If you have never joined a Twitter Chat before, it’s very simple. Enter the #MeAndMySuitcase into the search button on Twitter. You will then be able to view questions and responses relating to this travel hacking Twitter Chat subject.
Be sure to add the hashtag #MeAndMySuitcase to your posts, and before long you will be interacting with people around the globe, with the same shared interest as you.
[bctt tweet=”Join us for a #travelhacking Twitter chat on Monday 7th September at 5.30 BST #MeAndMySuitcase @TTGLOBE4L @JUNKDNA” via=”no”]Be a darling and share with your pals!
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